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Quiz : missing words from 50s songs
Question 1 of 10
"I found my thrill on _______ on _______ when I found you"
The Moon
The Hilton
Blueberry Hill
Park Lane

Question 2 of 10
"Way down Louisiana close to New Orleans, way back up in the woods among the evergreens.. There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood, where lived a country boy name of ______ B. Goode"

Question 3 of 10
"They, said some day you'll find all who love are blind when you heart's on fire you must realize _____ gets in your eyes"

Question 4 of 10
"Hang down your head, ______ hang down your head and cry hang down your head"
Wyatt Earp
John Ware
Tom Dooley
Bill Pickett

Question 5 of 10
"______candles make a lovely light but not bright as your eyes tonight"

Question 6 of 10
"He's a clown, that _____ Brown. He's gonna get caught; just you wait and see"

Question 7 of 10
"So here we a-are in the _____ Jail ain't got no frie-ends to go our bail"

Question 8 of 10
"A polka dot vest and man, oh, man tan shoes with ____ shoelaces and a big Panama with a purple hat band"

Question 9 of 10
"a-one, two, and then rock a-one, two, and then roll They did the rock and roll _____"

Question 10 of 10
"Mama, look at _____" they shout Their mother tell them "shut up your mout' "

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